today i'm finally 17!!!!a year older!!!1st time i'm spending my b'day without my family......*sob*
so this is how my day went...
2day started off pretty well.....i had a phone call fm my parents...since i had 1st period study i went 2 skool they called me aroung 8.30. thinking bout their time there is like 3.30 in the morning i was soo glad 2 hear from them!!!!!
anyway the weather when i woke up was a sunny day......which was good 4 me considering the past few days were so cold and sad looking.....but 2 my dispair the weather only lasted for an hour or so...cuz after that it started 2 get cloudy n stared 2 drizzle as i was goin 2 skool!!!!!!!!!
then when i arrived skool.....i realised we were locked out of the common room......*aiks* anyway i found out later that it was bcuz the cleaning lady saw some graffity and decided 2 lock us out 4 irresponsibility...*sigh* anyway i also heard that during interval some girls found the way in thru the windows behind but then some other teacher heard their voices n locked us out 4 the rest of the day!!!!so i had 2 carry all my book round skool 4 the whole day!!!lucky thing is that i only left a few books in the locker!!!!!if not i'll be left bookless!!!
so that was the common room thing...apart from that the day was pretty fine....i got a pressie from Rebecca n some presents from Joanna n Shana n my host family later on that day......the day was ok till after school....this is the bad part....after school i supposed 2 meet joanna 2 walk 2gether 2 the train station...n guess wut???it was raining!!!!! was cold with cold wind by the time i arrived at the train station after walking as fast as possible...considering the nuber of ppl walking there 2..i was totally freezing!!!!my hands were soooOO cold till it was numb!!!!then i didn't even bring a jacket cuz in the morning it was all i had with me was a t-shirt n a cardigen!!!!
anyway.....later that evening me n joanna went 4 youth group....we had 2 go with Matty n his friends!!*uugghh* lucky it was just the bus ride we were stuck with them...if not no transport 2 church!!!!!
then when i came back one of the neighbours n my host family celebrated my b'day..with my favourite cheese cake...!!!!then the bast part came after this....Jaques called!!!!well....after school he tried 2 call earlier but din know how 2 use the card 2 he called around 9 when i wasn't at home yet..cuz i only arrived home at 10pm so aunty Ai Nai answered the earlier call. anyway, he got thru later n wished me at last!!!!!*grins*
so that was my b' least i had a good start n good ending!!!!i'll just try 2 forget the part which i got stuck in the rain.....