Wednesday, August 27, 2003

ballet exam 2day!!!!
good luck 2 me!!
hopefully i do really well cuz i'm aching all over fm the extra practises!

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Grace Flows Down
Intro: D Bm G2 A

D Bm G2 A
Amazing grace, How sweet the sound
D Bm G2 A
Amazing love, Now flowing down
G A D D/C# Bm A
From hands and feet, That were nailed to the tree
As grace flows down and covers me

G2 A
It covers me
G2 A
It covers me
G2 A
It covers me
D Bm G2 A
And covers me

Saturday, August 16, 2003

exams over...hurrah...

ballet exam in another 1 1/2 weeks...
ball in another 2 weeks...still havn't decided goin or not..
production in another 4 weeks..
ballet exam (gd6) is in another month plus...
application dates due 2 unis in about a month...
hall of residence application also due in like a month
bursary in another 3 months plus..

--here comes the interesting ones--
goin home in another 15 weeks!!!
camp in another 16 weeks!!!
goin 2 US in like 18 weeks????mayb *hopes*
new year in...??? weeks??not counting ,..but can't hardly wait

omg...so many things to think about..can i sleep n hibernate 4 one week??????hehe

Sunday, August 10, 2003

something not just me....but every christian out there should alwiz remember.....

>Dedicated to Christian singles:
>Girl of God, as I watched you tonight, I wished for an opportunity to talk
>with you.
>I watched your beautiful face as you sang and worshipped.
>You reminded me of myself seven years ago. And then, after church, I
>you as you got into that car with a boy who does not know God.
>Oh, yes he was at Church tonight. He even went to the altar and shed a few
>I am sure that you would not accept the idea that, for him, this is just a
>means to an end.
>Seven years ago I was in your shoes. I had known God since my early teens
>and had grown up under God-anointed preaching and teaching. I didn't lack
>boy friends or dates, as is so often the case in churches where the girls
>outnumber the boys.
>Some very wonderful, consecrated young men came my
>way but Satan, who watches diligently and waits patiently to ensnare a
>soul, saw me one day as I was lukewarm. Oh, I was still going to
>Church and playing my accordion and singing and doing all the right things
>outwardly. But I had never really had that special moment with God when
>His will and mine were made one.
>I met the young man at work. And before long, without anyone else's
>knowing it, I felt I couldn't live without him. He knew about my Church
>and when he attended with me, he went to the altar and cried and so I
>married him, while my family and those who loved
>me wept and agonized.
>It was just six months later that I realized my soul was in danger and
>that I had to have a touch from God. I prayed through and got a grip on
>God. Then the battle began. No, he wasn't going to Church anymore. I could
>count on my fingers the number of times he went
>during the last seven years!
>Before I married him, the thought of living without him was unbearable.
>"How lonely it would be!" I thought. But now I know what loneliness really
>is, and I'd like to tell you about
>Loneliness is receiving a blessing from God and going home to a man
>you can't share it with. He isn't interested; he's watching television.
>Loneliness is going to a Church social alone and watching the young
>couples enjoy God's blessings together. You can go alone or stay home
>alone; he has other interests.
>Loneliness is feeling the urgency of Christ's coming and knowing that the
>one you love most on this earth is not ready, and shows no sign of caring.
>Loneliness is seeing two children born and knowing that if your influence
>is to outweigh his, it
>will be a miracle.
>Loneliness is going to a General Conference and seeing young couples
>everywhere who are truly one and dedicated to God's work and there goes
>the young man who loved you once and wanted to marry you. He's preaching
>the gospel now and he has never married. Oh God!Help me! I mustn't think
>of it!
>Loneliness is lying awake struggling with the suspicion that he's
>unfaithful. Then comes the unbelievable pain of knowing for sure. He
>doesn't care if I know. She even calls me on the
>phone. After a time, he makes an effort to break it off. I vow to do
>everything humanly possible to keep this marriage together. I will love
>him more and pray for him more.
>Seven years of my life are involved in this! There's a little girl and a
>little boy!
>Loneliness is now. My children and I will go home to a dark, empty
>apartment that will be my home until the lawyer says it's all over. I, who
>have always been afraid to stay alone, now welcome the peace and solitude.
>As I look in the mirror; I see that seven years haven't changed my face so
>much but inside
>I am old, and something that was once alive and beautiful is now dead.
>Of course, this is not an unusual story. The remarkable thing about it is
>that I am still living for God. I am thankful for my family and their
>prayers of intercession for me.
>Oh, I am praying for you, girl of God! Please believe me when I tell you
>that no matter how wonderful he is, how loving, how tender--you cannot
>build a happy life upon disobedience to
>God's Word. You see, no matter what the future holds for me, I have missed
>His perfect will for my life.
>I will never stop paying for breaking a commandment of God! Don't let it
>happen to you!
>"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship
>hath righteousness
>with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" 2 Cor.
>Author Unknown
>from Vanguard Magazine

just saw the webbie that nick had made for cindy like last year...hey i'm behind...but ..haha..whatever...
omg...i just wanna vomit seeing how lovey dovey those ppl are *insert barf*

but then on the other hand it's actually pretty sweet that he took effort n did it juz 4 her....awwww....
*insert more barf* haha...but it's really lovely....now i'm wondering how they're getting on....seems like such a lovely couple.....now i actually feel a bit bad 4 criticising them already...i mean...if they have more than what me n jaques have....wow...but then i actually am a bit hypocrytical...i guess....cuz i mean..if jax n i are mfeo and we r comfortable wit pda's....well.....i got nothing 2 say...just that sometime i can b hypocritical...n this is one of the times i guess. *barf*

Saturday, August 09, 2003

darn...accounting 2day was so hard ler...never had such a hard accounting paper 2 do so far....guess i need 2 do more studying,..
well 4 down,...and one more calc 2 do on mon....
well....only 3 more days of studying 4 me...


Reference: LIFE

I am God. Today I will be handling all of your
problems. Please remember
that I do not need your help.

If life happens to deliver a situation to you that
you cannot handle, do
not attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the
SFGTD (something for God
to do) box. All situations will be resolved, but in
My time, not yours.

Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold
onto it by worrying
about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful
things that are present
in your life now.

If you find yourself stuck in traffic; Don't
despair. There are people
in this world for whom driving is an unheard of

Should you have a bad day at work; Think of the man
who has been out of
work for years.

Should you despair over a relationship gone bad;
Think of the person who
has never known what it's like to love and be loved
in return.

Should you grieve the passing of another weekend;
Think of the woman in
dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days
a week to feed her

Should your car break down, leaving you miles away
from assistance;
Think of the paraplegic who would love the
opportunity to take that

Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror;
Think of the cancer
patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine.

Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering
what is life all about,
asking what is my purpose? Be thankful. There are
those who didn't live
long enough to get the opportunity.

Should you find yourself the victim of other
people's bitterness,
ignorance, smallness or insecurities; Remember,
things could be worse.
You could be one of them!

Should you decide to send this to a friend; Thank
you, you may have
touched their life in ways you will never know

"If I flew away beyond the east or lived in the fatherest place in the
would be there to lead me, you would be there to help me"
Psalms 139 vs 9,10

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

i'm am half way thru my exams...just another 3 more papers till mocks r over...
sometimes i still find it a bit hard 2 believe exam time is already here.....it seemed like such a long time far far away when i arrived here n now it's already exam time..
funny how time flies sometimes.....time has definetely passed quickly...more quickly than i ever imagined...another 3 months plus i'll b back in msia...where i wanna b....and there;s mummy n daddy there as well...!!hehe...
but then...on the other hand..it still feels like i;ve been here 4 such a long time already....knowing so namy new things...sometimes i wonder how i get 2 know so many things in such a short time....telling u in less than 8 months i know wgtn so well.....plus getting 2 meet so many new ppl as well.....

c'est la vie

Saturday, August 02, 2003

yesterday i called jaques..welll we had a nice talk n stuff....i think he was actually a bit mabuk that i called him after such a long time...well..what can i say??i luurrvve 2 give ppl suprises!!!haha....

yeah..anyway...my revision is nearly not getting anywhere at all.....cept for my eco..well that one i have done some questions so far.....that's just all..my chem...welll i dun wanna start there as well...

hiya...where is everyone when i wanna talk 2 someone whose on9??someone......faster talk 2 me...

dammit...i'm such as big procrastinator....

i wonder how i ever get my work started...

want something else 2 try???

Try it quickly before Google removes it.

1) Go to Google.com
2) Type in (but don't hit return): "weapons of mass destruction"
3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button
4) READ what appears to be a normal " error message " carefully


something 2 try for the moment:

Take the day you born, x4, +13, x25, -200, +month you born, x2, -40,
x50, +last 2 digit of the year you born, -10500

*Notice anything? Try it with calculator, interesting!

Friday, August 01, 2003

yay..i'm onholiday 2day thanks to the ncea teacher's training....
so another day at home..
but unfortunately....exams r up...so not mucho of a holiday after all...
ppl here r juz too smart...
1st all the public holidays r during the school holidays then now...give us holidays also muz b4 exam one...sheesh..
yeah...so back 2 studyin 4 me...=(

later i have my ballet class as well..mayb for lunch i'll follow joanna out 2 meet fiona...that is..if i get my work done 1st...muz bertekad already!!!!hahaha

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