Wednesday, April 26, 2006

and i just realised half the week is already gone and i havnt done much except study.

funny how time flies when ur actually concentrating on something and sometimes time just moves really really slowly.

mental note: still have lots of emailing to do abt dance gp and PASS. pay bills. oh and see tony too...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

back to uni...again

arghhh...holidays are over already...well..techniccally in another 2 hours oh well. doesnt make much difference now anyways

feel like i havnt been updating this thing in ages...but its actually only like 3 days???sighh blog withdrawal symptoms soon. oh wells. suppose to limit myself to a certain number of hours online per day seeing that i have so much study/work/dance/socialising to be done. and so less tv too..

my stupid 308 assignment is killing me. i cant get the journal entry to balance and its stupidly annoying cuz it doesnt seem so hard. anyways for those who are wondering, its not the basic journal entry that u do in pre-uni bookeeping, its some hard out consolidation joint venture thing

had my last dose of tv today at josh's for the next 5 days....sighhh....the final of so you think you can dance was really really really disappointing. arghh...waste of my time.

oh well.. back to study.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

i love the holidays

the only thing that can possibly ever spoil my holidays is STUDIES. i mean im glad to be a student and all that, but i mean studying during the holidays is such a chore. i mean...give us holidays where we can R.E.L.A.X...

anyway...i reakon ive been relaxing heaps anyway and shouldnt be complaining, but then the knowledge of work that supposed to be done is just overwhealming.

anyway, had some eventful few days so far. been out and about going to uni and also meeting up with people, planning celly mission thing and also dance team while still attending no-hope interviews and getting rejected. such a holiday where everything pretty much sucks apart from my outings =))

oh well. c'est la vie and press on.

flat photo!!! :D:D:D:D
introducing me, jenlin and limay

Sunday, April 16, 2006

easter weekend

been at camp the whole weekend. im kinda glad i went in the end tho [at the expense of my studies, work and everything else]. was pretty good just getting to hang out and getting to know some of the new ppl / palmy ppl a lil bit better..and to stop stressing and just take time out really

well...one thing that was so encouraging thru camp was vinay. just a whole year ago i remembered having him in my group and trying to lead/motivate him to talk about his religion. at that time he was still a hindu. fast forward one year later he openly talks abt God and all the life changing experiences that he had. the size of his faith just makes me wanna take a closer look at mine and how i could impact people if only i had more faith.

i guess that is the thing if you really search and find yourself. rather than just taking it in. u realise so much more and the more you find out the more you grow.

anyway, cranium was soo awesome. that gotta be the highlight of the camp. hahaha. sorry, but that game is soo fun. good times. and it doesnt take too long in the game to realise who is really really brainy. :P or the ones with the lack of..

anyway, am so beat out after the whole camp. kinda glad to be back in the comfort of my nice house and computer too. =))after all i cant really go without technology for too long i reakon. i will be disconneccted to the world.

Friday, April 14, 2006

long weekend

work was soo slack today. we hard out didnt do much. by 9.30 we were sitting ard waiting for boss to say go home :P plus i get holiday pay for friday and monday

anyway..im soo gonna kill kpmg for keeping on the edge. i thot its a no by 5.30 then they have to call while im at work leaving a msg to call back! im still assuming is a no tho. but i want is to be a yes. stupid dilemma is gonna last the whole weekend. arghhhh

going to easter camp tmr. gonna forget abt all the stupid internships for a while. and studies too. i sooo supppose to be studying...arghhhhhhhh..

im just a big procrastinator. yet again i cant keep to my own resolutions. then whats the point of having it anyway.

2 tests 1st week back 2tests 2tests 2tests 2tests 2tests 2tests 2tests 2tests 2tests 2tests..but somehow i still dun get it...

anyway, havnt been putting up photos for ages, and havnt really taken any, so finally ive uploaded some (talk abt procrastinating)

girls all happy jumpin' - jasmine, elaine, jan & me!

jason's attempt to take a paranomic pic...look carefully to see what is outta place

peng being real tourist-y, although he just lives across the road. gosh, hanvt u seen the fountain before, or just being a poser?

jason and jeremy

me n elaine

jan and jas

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

my new job

blogger is down at the moment. so being the mo liu person that i am, i'm typing this out in notepad at the moment.

nah..actually there is a purpose of this. i'm gonna post this up later when blogger is working again but thot i'll update this thing with stuff from my new job.

yesterday was pretty bad, i had no idea what i was doing at all!! but today its getting better and im getting used to working there now. totally different from my last job, where i saw ppl non-stop, now i see the computer non-stop. as if i dun have enough of the comp at home.

anyway...i got my own desk and computer =))

so in between the hours of 6pm and 10pm nZ time, email me at work and i'll reply. dumb computer doesnt let me assess messenger or somehting and when i tried to im being logged as trying to assess it. :p and all my email accounts too. so only work email allowed.

so did some tidying up on my desk for the last hour today, learning how to use the system too. im trying not too learn too much too soon, im a bit afraid the job will get a bit too repetitive for me too soon. dun want to wear out the novelty of a new job too fasst.

anyway, happy bday issac! missed out on all the food. but oh well, good company =))

Monday, April 10, 2006

if only....

if only i din get the rejection letter there still would be a glimmer of hope.
if only i read the newspapers more they might actually take me in.
if only i have greater understnading of the wider business issues outside my classes.
if only i knew and remembered what i learnt in class earlier
if only i can give better examples of my understading of the world today
if only i was less ignorant.......

I would have probably got offers for my summer internships already


ever heard of a LAN party???
well its just something where everyone brings their comp to a place and network everything up. thats what a LAN is anyway. connect every single computer and play awesome computer games. but i reakon it'll be more of a geek party :P only for the technologically / computer gamer inclined.
was just quite interesting as we were trying to plan out holidays and the guys (chow, linc, terry etc) wants to have a LAN party. GEEKS. im still amazed at the ideas these guys come up with.


just realised where the best hot chips are....they are at cafe wakefield along wakefield st. just at the end of blair st. its soooo awesome. had it yesterday night for entrees and it was soo awesome. real potato like wedges but 100 times better. plus think of nice seasoning to go with it too....yummy...im definately going there again!!


i miss first year. today i was reminded of the good times we had fish n chips at weir with esther, cal and big esther (if i remembered correctly) after church. i did that again today but with a different bunch of ppl tho. was just good times hanging out less the pressures of uni, work and a whole bunch of other stuff. i wish i was back at those carefree days =))

Sunday, April 09, 2006


ahh..finally the holidays. time i finally get to sit in front of the computer and delete old mails and respond to ones i should have months ago. anyway. just a backlog of work i suppose.

anyway, not much plans for the holidays so far except start work, easter camp, going for more interviews which im not even sure whether would eventuate to anything at all.

sighh..things are happening. i know they are. just that im not knowing stuff. i hate not being in the know. arghhhhhhhhh i can sooo feel that things are going on behind all the pretty faces ppl put thru each day.

oh well. back to my own little bubble ive created for myself then...

Saturday, April 08, 2006

my flat

finally my flat has been settled!!!!

new flattie jenlin has moved in today, togehter with limay....YAY!!

hehee...should get a flattie pic to post up sometime.

now.....shall i have a flat warming?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


tuesday is over. phew.

just that it din go as i wanted it to.

oh well. a few more days to go then its the holidays...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

finally....a job offer

finally i got a job offer fm acc!!! alas!! i guess its pretty good, since its something to do with accounts and getting the experience n all that, but the only thing now is that...its in lower hutt and its an evening job, so i finish at 10pm monday to friday!! gosh.
well...i guess means just less tv and socialising for me :P

anyway, gonna be real busy this week with more interviews - internship ones this time. i reakon i should be getting pro at this soon. been going for wayyy too many interviews. and then a 25% test for advanced financial accounting and then another longgggg tax assignment. sighh

cant wait till the holidays. not that i'll have much of a holiday anyway. but some time off just when i needed it..

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