Wednesday, May 30, 2007

about essays

warning....this is a whining post so reader beware..

I hate hate hate essay...they suck they take forever to do and they take my life away from me and my sleep too


i have like 12000 words to write within the next 7 days

kill me someone please, take away my misery

i use to like the last week of term, where its like yay a week of holiday before i start studying
now its week of torture.


i wish my essays would write itself, as i think abt it. then all my worries translated to the essays, i'll make 12000 words in no time. really.

fyi, generation Y (tats me) cant do stuff that is structured ie. essays. so the university should take a hint. really.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

looking back

I was clearing up my wallet today and I found pics of some neoprints taken back in first year. It reminded me of how free i was with nothing to do, hanging around town oh-so-often and doing random stuff..

if i wasn't around town, I'll be at Cal's back in Ramsey house laughing over how me and Ching were the percussion dummies. we were at least slightly musically inclined being able to play the piano, but our skills were at playing piano, not the percussions (or at least that was me..hehehe)

First year was also when josh kung and green was still around. if im not mistaken, this pic was taken on the day where the windy wellington weather was in force and we all decided to head to the waterfront :D like i said, we were all too free..

If my memory serves me right, this one here was taken when ruth and josh came up to welly after slc2003 to get some stuff done for jon and sok's wedding. Amazing how time flies huh? and josh looked so different :P
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random act of kindness

random acts of kindness from strangers just brings a smile to ur otherwise gloomy day..

what happened was..
jess was late to class.
jess knew stadium parking was closed
so jess parked on the road side parking
jess paid parking till 5.40 assuming it was the usual time, usually 6 is the max u can pay
but jess forgot that it was FRIDAY and roadside parking was to be paid till 8pm
but anyway...jess went happily to class and stayed in uni till ard 7.20ish

happily walking back to the car sign of last day of the week, jess was estatic.
however, as she approached the car, she saw this white piece of paper on the windscreen
first thot: oh noooooo...parking ticket cuz paid only till 5.40 instead of 6pm...
approaching nearer ..jess was like "crap...suppose to pay till 8!!!aikss!!!"
but pulling the parking ticket out from the windscreen wiper, jess was to realise that it wasnt a parking ticket, rather some random person decided to donate his/her extra parking time leftover to her so she wouldnt get a parking ticket.

best of all...it was till 7.39. just in time :D back to the car. stranger must have noticed my parking was wayy overdue, and since stranger had paid fm 1.10pm to 7.39pm, guess stranger must have heaps of leftover parking and decided to be oh-so-kind :D thank god for this lovely stranger...and next time, if i ever have extra parking on my ticket, i reakon i should bless some stranger too :D

guess my guardian angel has been looking after me :D even in the blur-rest of times :D:D:D

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

unable to procrastinate

i cant login to facebook for some reason...and im feeling sad.

facebook is like my usual read and procrastinating technique of the day and now....meh its gone. and its been out for 2 days already. plusss...it works for everyone else. im guessing it could be the vuwac network which im on....but then who know la.

so im blogging instead. should get my 421 done and over with so i can start on more interesting essays that are due. but noooooooooo procrastinating..and disturbing other ppl too :P

i reckon im getting lazy as. cant even be bothered combing my hair and getting my contacts on to go to uni nowadays. i reakon i look as if i just woke up of bed lately. tsk tsk tsk. how to attract boys like that? anyway...im blaming it on honours symtomps. anyway...im usually stuck in the honours room anyways refusing to mingle with the rest of the world. i know. honours students are snobs and im becoming one.

1 month 4 days (exactly) for the holidays :D:D

ps. i'll stop talking about my essays after i finish another 3 of them after this one im doing :S

Sunday, May 20, 2007

i know i should

continue writing my essay now!!

but seems that writing like 100 words is soo hard, yet alone trying to write another 3000 odd words to make up my word count. bahh

and i can easily chuck up 100 words here writing about nothing-ness

anyway, went to take pictures today with sis along the waterfront for her art and man...it was super super windy. havnt really been stuck exposed to the strong wind in such a long time, cuz ive been hiding either indoors or in my car :P

anyway, went to feli and cal's graduation on thurs and i want to graduate too!!! seeing all the people graduate just made me wanna finish up uni too!! i know once i start work i prob wanna go back to uni....but at this point of time...finishing seems bliss :D

i want to wear the gown too!!

anyway...i miss good chicken rice back in malaysia. sounds random but i think this is the part of justine that is rubbing off on me. cuz she keeps telling me about the chicken rice and i think its starting to influence me to want those rice with lots of chicken oil.....arghhh...and chicken rice is not even on my top 10 list of things to eat (usually)..

anyway...gonna get back to study (another 1 month 3 days till end of this trimester... =B)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

wasting my time

these are a few tests that i decided doing, since i was procrastinating again (dumb 421) and these are the few most insteresting results i got.

People Envy Your Confidence
You have the attitude and self esteem to take on anything. Failure is beyond not an option for you - it doesn't even cross your mind.People envy your ability to take on any challenge ... and they're secretly afraid you think you're better than them. You don't. You're just sure of yourself.
What Do People Envy About You?

Your Scholastic Strength Is Evaluating

You are great at looking at many details and putting them all together.
You are talented at detecting subtle trends, accuracy, and managing change.

You should major in:

Conflict studies
What Should You Major In?

You Are a Realist

You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass.
You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is...
But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on.
You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope.
Are You An Optimist or Pessimist?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

being jess

i wanna change my layoutt!! been more than a year ive been using this 'somewher over the rainbow' one...and i want a new one!!!

shall resist....since i cant procrastinate anymore, and tweaking a new layout...will take much more time that i can afford. and if i do have free time, im gonna do smtg useful with it, like exercise or cook or clean, or wash my car or even doing the overgrown garden instead of changing my layout. looks like this will hav to stick for another few months. mayb till i get bored in summer or nxt autumn :D

anyway, all my shows are in the second-last episode now, means from next week onwards...i will have NO MORE SHOWS to watch. sobs [on the bright side - time to do more fruitful things like meeting up with people]
imagine no heroes for the next 5 months....

anyway, im gonna exercise more too!! all the study study is totally making me fat. i can pretty much demolish a huge packet of chocs within 2 days - or less. so instead of cutting down on all the bad stuff - coke, lollies, chocolates,red bulls, i am gonna exercise instead. and im determined to stick to it. i need to start my dance groupie eventually too...im still putting that off..

ok. this post sounds wayy too bimbo-ish. i managed to talk abt how my blog looks to tv to being fat in the same post. gahhhhh

so, on a more serious note, i think ive got this very bad habit...and i should sooo stop it (its not procrastinating btw) i think God is trying to tell me something and yes. i am gonna work on it. if anyone is keen to know what it is...hmm...im up for an accountability partner :D

Saturday, May 12, 2007


400 precious words from my assignment all gone!! =(

grrrrrr...plus i hated writing abt philosophy as it is and now its killing me to write the 400 words all over again.

im going to sleep instead

a waste of my effort. bahhh

how can i be so dumb to close the window of what im writing. >_<"

Thursday, May 10, 2007

where has the bloggers gone?

my daily fix of reading people's blogs have dwindled. no idea why but suddenly everyone is only like blogging once a week or less....then what am i gonna do online then?

....write my own blog instead.

just finished the last of my presentation slides for today. hope i dont stuff up. oh well. its not worth too much anyways

spidey 3 this Friday. woot.. hahaha. its been awhile since i did normal stuff. i was just gonna question what "normal" stuff is...but i should stop myself. critical theory is getting to me.

im becoming geeky...

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


sickness...why is this gonna be my sick year? i thot last year i got sick enough. and the sniffles has continued to plague me.

first stomach troubles, now nose troubles.

not to mention worry and stress troubles...or is that the cause?

ok...back to preparing my presentation. concentration level today at point zero.

Saturday, May 05, 2007


got my exam timetable already.

best thing: lots of time to study. first exam is on the 21st, so that means after handing in all my assignments (assuming that we get no more extensions) i'll still have at least a week and a half to study

worst thing: i would only have a maximum of 1.5 weeks holiday =(( that will absolutely suck as i still would have to allocate some time to my research project thing during the hols.

...so much for my 2 weeks holiday.

this blog is starting to sound really really depressed.... so im gonna brighten it up - spent 2 hours watching idol gives back and spent half the day sleeping. seems like ive been having lots of me time nowadays =)) get to chill and catch up with shows/sleep... =)) oh. ive been spending heaps of money on food nowadays too.. just went for a trip to woolies, got myself lots of yummmmyy food hehehe

Thursday, May 03, 2007

yes, i am counting

7 weeks more for this term
2 weeks sort-of holiday
17 weeks for 2nd trimester
=about 6++ months more of honours

and then im done with uni.


..if i survive the next 26 weeks that is

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