Monday, August 21, 2006


havnt posted any posts yet abt my experience tutoring, so i just thot that now its a good time to do it..

5 top things I have learnt:
1) teaching is pretty fun
2) as long as there are no hard questions
3) and students answer your questions and they are enthusiastic...or even better..smart
4) marking sucks....big time. hours spend on going over n over the same questions
5) i can be quite mean or quite generous, depending on my moods

ok.. maybe it isnt the best job on the planet but i enjoy it and i guess its good money for undergrad level and yeah...marking is all not that bad, can be such a crack up at time

quote from one of my assignments " auditors are like policemen for the business world..."


oh random.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


well....ive finally the inspiration to update my blog (yay!)

anyway, guess its the good company coupled with good music - jazz, that got us on the topic of blogging

why blog? ppl blog to preserve memories, mayb to write abt a certain view they have, to update friends acroess the globe, mayb the odd one to bitch abt stuff thats happening, and usually just plainly to write down something and to be opinionated.

however, as blogs are pretty public, what content is reader appropriate and does the blogger actually want the whole world reading it or not?? guess it depends from ppl to ppl....but i guess at the end of the day, its the person's own OPINION and i guess they are entitled to it anyway

guess we all had a negative experience or two here and there.....like someone writing about you in their blog subtlely (trying to hint perhaps???) and only if you were the one you'll knw who you are....or maybe suddenly everyone knws what has happened to you yesterday....

my conclusion: i guess at the end of the day, i dun really care what ppl think of my blog...but i guess there's always stuff that should be really kept to yourself....but a reason to be put of blogging...???hmmm i think not...
just that mayb at the end of the day i might look real stupid blogging abt something real shalow...then again..with all the stupid things ive been doing lately....that's another story all together... :P

on a side note...blogging is really entertainment content for both yourself and ppl who are reading it ay? to find out stuff that u don't knw..

.....so fill me in with the latest goss ppl...and don't stop blogging!


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