Saturday, March 22, 2003

well.......i'm soooo hungry!!!!!!hehe.....(for now anyway) that's what i get by starving myself i guess...i dunno can tahan till 2molo alaready..........i'm hungry...

anyway....well...the overnighter at church was actually nothing special lor.....2 b exact....it was pretty boring...1st we had our bible study as usual then i thot they plannned stuff 4 us 2 do but then i was pretty wrong........1st we were like asked 2 make our shelter of cardbooard boxes like those ppl in africa or something, so we started building it lor...actually like prettty lame cuz after it became like a stupid contest between gals n guys....after that we had nothing 2 do...so i sat n played the piano....then after that still nothing 2 do so i went 2 talk 2 some of our leaders n then i told them that i'm bored so then only they said....let's watch the movie....dun ask me wut movie it was (i'm still not sure of the title but it was something like The Count of Monte Carlo). so in the begining the movie was pretty boring...some kinda of like napolean bornapate time....probably 17th century or something (totally not my kind of movie) but then after a while the movie bcame interesting so then i watched it....that was until like 2 something in the morning....so after the movie i decided i was gonna sleep....cuz most of the ppl were goin 2 sleep already....so i went n put my sleeping bag into our 'shanty town' - the cardbox boxes room that we made but then i was like....aiyah....dun wanna sleep on the floor....so then me, joanna n another girl...we went in to the church hall 2 sleep there since the chairs were soft....cuz my churchs' centuary doens't really look like a church...looks more like a hall or something...so we were like gonna sleep there ...then after a while there were like a few guys who were like comin in a like hiding round the chairs....later more n more ppl came....n were like making more n more noice.....it was those ppl who cannot sleep lar....hehe....but then i was like 2 tired so i just slept!!!!!

so then this morning also nothing much 2 do......just cleared up the place n so on lor.....n now i'm so hungry (how many times have i said it already??)

plus....i'm also pretty stressed....cuz got physics test on monday.....still gotta study then got my eco asssignment 2 do....which i'm still pretty clueless....i'm even thinkin of changing topic cuz like stuck already!!!! imagine getting stuck 1/2way doin ur assignment!!!i guess i have 2 go n ask mr morar 4 help already....if not.....matilar....hehe


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