ok...u wanna know what??i damn pissed with someone at the moment now. i knew u were on9 last night. how i knew???i just knew. haha. i'm smart remember??i purposely spent a long time writing a mail 2 u and what???no reply 4 me. i can understand if ur actually pissed like for sometime that we cannot have that trip that was from the beginning only problems after problems but now???not sending me any txts or writing me mails at all???i think ur looking 4 trouble anyway. so yeah. take the hint. cuz by 2molo if i dun hear fm you...well....i guess no phone call 4 u. anyway, i dun think i wanna call u anyway. since u have nothing 2 say 2 me???i just wonder how could we end up like this??if u wanna have a decent relationship i guess u just have 2 put some effort in it. anyway, it's up to u. and remember i'm getting pissed as well. so get the picture.