quiz results i took. i think it's pretty ciao how things are goin on and the results i got. errr...
LOVE QUIZ - Can Your Love Go The Distance?
Maybe a little spring training is in order . . .
Your score is 23 out of 30
It sounds like you two could really be on to something big — or not. Ugh, it sucks, right? You don't know whether or not this is something to build up or steer clear of, because you just haven't hit that comfort level with him yet, even though you've got a serious infatuation. Learn to build communication and your own individual interests by giving it a trial run when one person moves away. Be honest with each other, and make sure you both realize that it might not work and you might have to suffer an over-the-phone breakup in a month. Until then, test the waters and see how comfortable you both are with the jealousy level (what, he's speaking to another female when you're not there?!) and the annoyances of trying to get important feelings across in e-mail. If it looks like it's going to be a lot of stress and little payoff, don't hesitate to leave things at "just friends."