nice nice lazy lazy cludy day today. was cloudy the WHOLE day. pahs to that. oh wells. did some work today but had a concentration spend of like 10 minutes??studied for my quan for 10 minutes. shifted to accy readings for less than 10 minutes. then moved to eco assignment which i wrote like 3 lines of words and then changed yet again to fcom where i read like one chapter??that was the most sucessful thing i done of all. but was darn boring and unrelated anyway. waste my effort reading it. in the end i more like skimmed thru the last parts cuz it was COMPETELY unrelated.
anyway. spent the whole afternoon talking instead cuz i was sooo over studying by 2pm. so just sat and talked with my flatmates till dinner time???hhehe...and then i cooked nuggets and fish fingers while chai ling cooked some fried glass noodles. had nice nice dinner till now im still so full. and now is like 4 hours after dinner already???
just finish calling some ppl bout monday over at my place. hehe..will have ppl over.. and fun fun fun.. but aiyah...y ler some ppl not at home now???so yea...asking ppl to bring themselves plus FOOD over. if not no fun.!!