sunny sunny saturday!!yay. some sunshine at last!mMmm...
came back home at 11 yesterday after seeing GLOWWORMS!!at the botanical gardens!! decided to bail at 10.30 tho many were goin 4 a second round. wasnt as many as it would have in Kuala selangor..but they were colse enough for us to shine the torchlight directly at them!!!
off to finish up m y readings later. then will b off to Kia maia to meet michelle n edwin to discuss our assignment. cuz all of us r clueless on wut to write. such a shitty assignment. funny how edwin doesnt know how 2 do it either..cuz...he should know? anyway..feel like goin shopping too!!a very very nice day and the urge to go shopping for ages already..oh well....essay is more important now!=)
holidays in less than a week now!!then i'm off to easter camp!!in fielding!!gonna b fun i guess...yay. 2 wks holiday. i need to study as well 4 my exams but nevertheless...i still need more plans!!
ooh to dry all my laundry i was washing. the washing machine is STILL not working properly. so annoying. anyway. cheers to a sunny day!!