well well...one whole week has passed since jax had left already./..and my goodness...it has been one very very long week.....after one very very quick month...seems like the whole week has been like busy busy busy with something or another.
another another week on the way already..adn it week 4!!!so fasst!!! anyway...this week is gonna be a pretty catching up wtih activities and sleep for me...so its cool. still have like simple journals and weekly assignments to do....but oh well....a change of pace b4 week 5 n6 starts...cuz i dun even wanna start on it now.....phew...*wipes forehead*
anyway...in church today we had rocfish!!!!hehe..they were really good with all their singing n dancing,.....heheh...the kiddish me enjoying all these stuffs....i guess there's a little kid in all of us....so yea....mine;s weak for dancing....hahaha
anyway....b joining the dance ministry thingy back. since now term's started and everythings gonna b more stable at least for now...soo i can join and learn some dances!!!cool...since i hanvt did any proper dancing in like.....errrrr...8 months now????? so yea...might b a bit outta touch already....but whatever ler....will pick up since im like a natural anyway rite????*blek* hahahhaha
many activities on this week...so gonna b pretty busy as usual. so i guess normal schedule is gonna start again...after weeks of enjoying my life/studying to catch up with missed bbehind stuffs.....so yea....normality is taking its place back in my life.....
ok....gonna stop here and go get some work done and stop spending too much time on9....since i do not have many hours left anyway.....i guess its a good way to keep me from doing so many moliu stuff on9 anyway....