Sunday, September 26, 2004

monday went to uni early for mgmt. and long day as usual cuz there's band. nothing new. jsut old uni and classes. so sick of my papers right now. just wanna finish all of them and forget about them and never have to think abt what im learning now forever and ever. this esp applies to mgmt.

tuesday went to law sch for my polling job. couldnt find the guy for like 30 min till i actually gave him a ring. cant even gimme proper directions. anyway, was so bored i could pull my hair out. was the longest 4 hour job EVER. was smart enough tho to bring my econ text book....but why econ???decided to flag info lec after tat cuz infos just stupid nowadays with that fat guy. have no idea what he's been on about since.......he started teaching. went for econ tut and got real bored and so went home to sleep after.

wednesday classes as per usual but skipping my info tut (as usual) and decided to go shopping. haha. one of those spur of the moment things. but din get anythign at all cept for groceries in the end. thans to tammi who told me she got heaps of stuff. perhaps its all in my mind tat im gonna have a super shopping spree when i go to melb/kl/china
found out that supre on lambton has opened...have been dying to go there. apprently there's heaps of cool stuffs!!

thursday got up early (again!) for PASS. classes and looging about till ministry meeting. got told off for closing too early by someone (no prizes for guesses). am pretty bummed out that they want to close LATER like 12am???tat's just stupid anyway

friday finally realised that i have heaps of work that is due withing next week/ the week after. decided to go to the commerce ball as well. not paying attention to anythign else. oh well...its friday tat;s y. ended up in the kitchen again preparing refreshments again. and for another 21 weeks as well? im counting down already. and i thot i suppose to serve with a willing heart.....I am willing!!!
having a dumb runny nose and sore throat as well. so dumb. hate getting sick. but who does?

saturday decided to stay at home today and just do some work. spring festival on today where icfers all went to the botanical gardens and wilton's bush. needed some rest as not feeling well still....finished a whole tissue box and using toilet paper now..
ohh...washed my car as well cuz its nice and sunny. did a bit of work here and there but nothing significant. need more rest...and FOOD>..hahah
someone's not happy with me AGAIN. sighs. nothing else to comment.

sunday writing this in advance....realising its not really advance as it is already 3am...will b off to church in a matter of 6 hours. and then back home for more grulling studying to b done?or mayb some lunch in the sun will b ideal. or more sleep.


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