yay!! exams are finally over!!..
hehee...3 year of uni...and i can possibly never to go back again - however, not too ready for the real world just yet, so gonna be back next year still :P
anyway, exams were all crap crap crap crap. both audit and finance. yuck** pretty much everything that i did NOT want to see in the exam came up...not only came up..but was extremely extremely difficult. all i want is some nice grades so maybe i can get a scholarship?? well..nah...after this trimester..i'll pretty much be satisfied with a B or mayb B+..
anyway, enough about my exams already. dont really like talking bout exams or studies in general...except when i wanna complain about them...
but for now....its the HOLIDAYS woohooooooooo
.......and i have nothing to do
what am i gonna do myself. so many
possibilities, none confirmed, im hanging....and just waiting waiting waiting
and doing nothing in the meantime. good you might say? not for me...cuz i want something constructive to do as i have already been resting way too much this past 2 weeks already. been on the computer way too much, watched too much tv, too much
youtube, too much blog surfing, too much eating, too much sleeping, too much mucking around doing nothing (on a side note: maybe too little studying). Need to get myself going and out and about instead of hibernating at home.
so people people....plan something so i dont rot at home!! :P