to do or not to do...
that was the questions bugging me the entire week and the week after that once i've touched down. was sooo close to not doing honours and even handing in my change of course form.
but i guess deep down God was trying to point me in the right direction. i guess i did knw what i SHOULD do but i just followed more of my heart which was telling me what i WANTED to do..
thanks to all those who convinced me that honours was in my best interest. heartfelt thanks to anna, jax, aikwin, chow and the many more who helped me make my decision and pointing out the obvious and not so obvious to me...and listening to me going on and on and on abt all my pros and cons, going in circles...trying to decide between both my opinions.
i guess now i'm still trying to get my head around the whole honours deal. with different classes, different style of teaching and the enormous workload that i'm having at the moment. still getting there and getting used to it. perhaps even catching up on last week's work that im still behind in cuz was too busy trying to decide whether to do it or not to do it
i guess the great thing is that decision is made and im not looking back. just heading forward
i just need to pray now for the second round of scholarships to come out. hopefully i'll get one *crosses fingers and prays*